
By A1 | January 31, 2025
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#WheatFutures fluctuated between $5.30 and $5.50 per bushel in January as traders monitored demand and supply dynamics. While demand remained relatively weak, supply concerns persisted, including potential damage to U.S. #WinterWheat from severe cold and ongoing challenges in #Russia. On the other hand, #Australia’s 2024-25 wheat production is estimated at 32 million tonnes, 21% above the 10-year average, despite insufficient rainfall in southern regions, according to the #USDA’s #ForeignAgriculturalService (FAS). Additionally, the #InternationalGrainsCouncil projected global wheat production to hit a record 805 million tonnes in 2025/26, up 1% from the previous year. For 2024/25, production is estimated at 796 million tonnes, with consumption expected to match production at 805 million tonnes. #WheatMarket #Agriculture #Commodities #GlobalTrade #SupplyDemand
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